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Senin, 16 Juli 2018

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Stew - Wikipedia
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A boiled is a combination of solid foods that have been cooked in liquid and served in the resulting sauce. Soup ingredients can include a combination of vegetables (such as carrots, potatoes, onions, nuts, chillies, mushrooms, and tomatoes) and meat, especially the tougher meat suitable for slow cooking, such as beef. Poultry, sausage, and seafood are also used. Although water can be used as a decoction liquid, broth is also common. Spices and flavors can also be added. Stews are usually cooked at a relatively low temperature (boiled, not boiled), allowing the flavor to blend.

Boiling is suitable for the softest pieces of meat that are soft and juicy with a slow, moist heat method. This makes it popular in cheap cuisine. Pieces that have a number of gelatin and marble bundles provide a moist decoction of water, while lean meats can easily become dry.

Stews can be thickened by reduction or by flour, either by coating the pieces of meat with flour prior to burning, or by using roux or beire maniÃÆ'Â © , a dough consisting of equal parts of fat and flour. Thickeners such as cornstarches or arrowroot can also be used.

Stews are similar to soups, and in some cases there may be no clear distinction between the two. Generally, the stew has less liquid than the soup, much thicker and requires longer cooking with small flame. While the soup is almost always served in a bowl, the stews may be thick enough to be served on a plate with sauce as a sauce over a solid material.

Video Stew


Stews has been created since ancient times. The oldest evidence of the stew found in Japan, is also the place of origin of fishing equipment. Herodotus says that the Scythians (8th to 4th centuries BC) "put meat into the flesh of the beasts, mixed the water with it, and boiled it like that on the fire of bones.The bones burned very well, and the stomach was easy to contain all meat, after being stripped naked, in this way an ox, or other sacrificial animal, cleverly made to boil itself. "

Amazon tribe uses turtle shell as a vessel, boil the turtle's contents and various other ingredients in it. Other cultures use large mollusk shells (shells etc.) to boil food. There is archaeological evidence from this practice that will return 8,000 years or more.

There are recipes for lamb stew and fish stew in the Roman cookbook Apicius , which is believed to date from the 4th century AD. Le Viandier , one of the oldest cookbooks in French, written in the early fourteenth century by a French chef known as Taillevent, has a ragout or stew of various kinds in it.

The first written reference to 'Irish stew' is in Byron's "The Devil's Drive" (1814): "Satan... eat in... a rebel or something in Irish stew."

Maps Stew


Source of the article : Wikipedia
