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Selasa, 17 Juli 2018

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5 Things to Know About Lhasa Apsos - Petful
src: www.petful.com

Lhasa Apso ( LAH -s? AP -soh ) is a type of non-sport dog originating from Tibet. It was bred as a sentinel interior in Buddhist monasteries, to remind the monks for every intruder that enters. Lhasa is the capital of Tibet, and apsoa is a Tibetan word meaning "bearded", so, Lhasa Apso means "Lhasa long-haired dog". However there are some who claim that the word "apso" is a Tibetan word "rapso", meaning "like a goat", which would make an equivalent translation of "Lhasa hairy dog".

Video Lhasa Apso


Lhasa Apsos men should ideally be 10.75 inches (27.3 cm) in the withers and weigh about 14 to 18 pounds (6.4-2.2 kg). Females are slightly smaller, and weigh between 12 to 14 pounds (5.4 to 6.4 kg). The breed standard requires dark brown eyes and a black nose, although the colored lhasas have a brown nose. The texture layer is heavy, straight, hard, not hairy or smooth, and very dense. They come in a variety of colors including black, white, red and gold with different shades. Lhasas can with or without a dark tip on the tip of the ear and beard. The tail should be well-held on the dog's back. The breed standards currently used by the American Kennel Club were approved on July 11, 1978.

Maps Lhasa Apso


Raised as an indoor prison dog by Tibetan Buddhist monk, Lhasa Apsos was alert with a sharp sense of hearing. The ideal Lhasa temperament is to be cautious of strangers while being loyal to those closest to them. Not trained, they can be very aggressive towards strangers. They rank 68 (out of 79) at Stanley Coren The Dog Intelligence , being a fair work-obedience acumen.

Lhasa Apsos is independent and also a companion dog who wants to please their owners, but they may be suspicious of strangers. While Lhasa Apsos shows loyalty to its owners, they will notify their employers when they do not want to do anything. They will lie motionless, "braking" and refuse to walk forward, or try to retreat. Time and patience will build trust between Lhasa and the owner.

Lhasa Apso responds to training and discipline with quiet, calm energy. These dogs need early socialization with dogs and other people as puppies and throughout their lives. Since Lhasa Apsos is an independent and intelligent offspring, home training children need consistency. They need patience and may be slow to train the house, but in return, they can be quite funny, entertaining, and caring friends. They aim to please the owner and enjoy the training. While their personalities deny their size, they need a home that is aware that there is a small dog at home to prevent injury. They enjoy interesting places in the house where they can see everything that is going on.

Lhasa Apso is a long-lived breed, with many people living healthy until the early 20's. The average age for these dogs is 12-14. There are some specific health problems to breed. Their vision may worsen with age, but they are not vision-oriented dogs and they resist blindness with little noticeable change in behavior.

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src: i.ytimg.com


Lhasa Apso comes from the highlands of Himalayas in Tibet. They were tamed and actively raised probably from 800 BC, making Lhasa Apso one of the world's oldest recognized breeds. Recent research shows Lhasa as one of the breeds most closely associated with ancestral wolves. (Others are Akita, Shiba Inu, Shar-Pei, Chow, Basenji, Alaska Malamute, Siberian Husky, Saluki, Afghanistan, Pekingese, Shih Tzu and Samoyed.)

Called in Tibet as Apso Seng Kyi, which can be translated as "Bearded Lion Dog", Lhasa's main function is housekeeping, guarding Tibetan aristocratic houses and Buddhist monasteries, especially in or near the holy city of Lhasa.. The large Tibetan mastiff safeguards the entrance of the monastery, but the keen hearing and sharp bark from Lhasa Apso serves to warn the population by acting like a thief alarm if an intruder passes outside the guards.

It is believed that the body of Lhasa Apsos can be entered by the souls of the old who died while they await the rebirth into a new body. Lhasa in Tibet was never sold. The only way a person can get it is as a gift.

In the early 1900s, some breeds were carried by military men returning from the Indian subcontinent to England, where the breed was referred to as the "Lhasa Terrier".

An original pair of American Lhasas was a gift from Thubten Gyatso, the 13th Dalai Lama for C. Suydam Cutting, arriving in the United States in 1933. Cutting has traveled in Tibet and met with the Dalai Lama there. At this time, there is only one Lhasa Apso registered in the UK. The first breed is called the Lhasa Terrier, then Lhasa Apso. The American Kennel Club officially accepted this breed in 1935 at the Terrier Group, and in 1959 transferred this breed to the Non-Sporting Group. In the UK, they are placed in the Utility Group.

Certain characteristics that are part of the breed type as a result of geographic and climatic environments - high altitude, dry windy climate, dusty terrain, short summers and cold winters in the Himalayas. Among these are features of head, mantle, loss of eyes, muscle and body structure, general endurance and longevity of this breed.

DNA analysis has identified Lhasa Apso as one of the 14 most ancient dog breeds, which proves that lap dogs and companion dogs are among the first dogs raised by humans.

Today, in the United States, there is a unique group of Lhasa Apsos known in the fantasy as a dog Gompa. (Gompa is the Tibetan word for the main meditation hall of the monastery.) Lhasa Apsos is the direct descendant of Lhasa Apsos from Drepung monastery in Tibet, where in 1941, Lama Gyen Yeshe was given the gift of Preserving the Future, Asking for the Past, the first for him Lhasa Apso by the Old High Reinkarnate. In the 1980s, nine Lhasa Apsos raised by Lama Gyen Yeshe or hired by one of his dogs were brought to Canada. Developed together for several years, the offspring are finally registered at the United Kennel Club (UKC). In 2000, the remaining descendants entered the United States as part of a successful rescue. Since then, organized efforts have been made to keep the dog and maintain the line. Lhasa Apso's Gompa Preservation Program (GLAPP), the 501 (c) 3, is a small population genetic management program that maintains the genetic line of Gompa Lhasa Apso. Not undergoing standard written selection, this unique gene pool represents Lhasa Apso when developed as a landrace. The GLAPP internal database contains records of all dogs used to perpetuate this genetic lineage and include DNA Profiling, Parental DNA Verification and microchip identification. Dogs born in the Conservation Program continue to be registered with the UKC. In August 2011, seventeen dogs from the Lhasa Apso Gompa Preservation Program entered the stud stud of the American Kennel Club (AKC). The purpose of recording Lhasa Apsos's recently imported area is to increase genetic diversity while maintaining the integrity of AKC's study books.

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src: cdn.shopify.com


Like most mammals, all dogs slough off feathers, or peel off dead skin. Because dandruff and many other allergens are trapped inside the hair, the susceptibility to allergies is dependent on the amount of hair removed and the weight of the hair. As the amount of hair loss increases, and the hair weight decreases, the possibility of hair in the air, feathers and allergens increases. Therefore, this will increase a person's allergy to certain animals. Lhasas has long rough hair, which causes heavy hair to be heavy. Due to the long hair length, Lhasa Apsos does not dress the hair in the same way as other breeds. Instead, they spill hair like humans, slowly and continuously, to keep their cleanliness clean and the risk of woven and tangled low. Long and heavy hair prevents individual strands of hair from becoming air, and reduces the amount of hair in the air compared to other breeds. People with allergies can coexist with low-breed dogs, such as Lhasa Apso.

Coming from very cold weather in the Himalayas, Lhasa has a double coat: a down mantle to keep them warm and an outer coat made up of guard hair for protection and helps keep their coats flat and smooth. The outer coat consisting of guard hair should be similar to a human hair, you should be able to feel individual hair strands when touched. While the undercoat is softer and smoother, it should lie flat and blend with the outer layers.

Regular brushing and bathing are necessary, not only to maintain continuous decay, but also to remove dirt and debris that may be involved in the hair. Lhasa with a rough thick outer layer will likely require less maintenance than Lhasa with many layers and a soft, less rough top coat.

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Lhasa Apso is vulnerable to several health problems. For example, it is susceptible to sebaceous adenitis, a hereditary skin disease occurring mainly in the Standard Poodle, but has also been reported in a number of other breeds, including Lhasa Apso. They are also susceptible to genetic disease of progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) that can make them blind. The breeders responsible for having their breeding dogs are checked annually by a canine eye doctor to check that they do not develop the disease, which is inherited to their offspring. Lhasa Apsos is also susceptible to eye diseases, such as cherry eyes and keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS or dry eye syndrome). A Kennel Club survey in 2004 put the median breed age range at 14 years 4 months. UK veterinary clinic data put the median at 13.0 years.

Though regarded by many as a "lap dog", Lhasa Apsos does require daily practice, by playing and walking, to maintain physical and mental health.

Lhasa Apso hereditary health and health testing | Pets4Homes
src: www.pets4homes.co.uk

In popular culture

  • In the animated series of Spider-Man and Her Amazing Friends, Angelica Jones/Firestar has Lhasa Apso named Ms. Lion.
  • In The L Word television series, Helena is convinced by her rich mother that she will leave her inheritance to him, not to Lhasa Apsos.
  • Lhasa Apsos is said to bring good luck, therefore there is a saying "Lucky Lhasa".
  • Singer Arturo Paz owns Lhasa Apso named Coco.
  • Actress/Singer-Songwriter Keke Palmer has Lhasa Apso named Rust
  • A Lhasa Apso is the main character and plot device in the children's novel 1948 Princess Mountains by Louise Rankin.
  • In the Flash Princess animation series (Flash series), Lhasa Apso plays a titular character.
  • Gospelist Gerald Wolfe owns Lhasa Apso named Wookie.

Lhasa Apso, from Buddhist monasteries | Pets | Dog Breeds - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com


Lhasa apso - Wiktionary
src: upload.wikimedia.org

External links

  • Lhasa Apso in Curlie (based on DMOZ)
  • Media related to Lhasa Apso on Wikimedia Commons

Source of the article : Wikipedia
