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Selasa, 26 Juni 2018

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Dripping Springs Vodka | The Art of Small Batch Distilling
src: www.drippingspringsvodka.com

Vodka (Polish: wÃÆ'³dka, Russian: ????? ['votk?] [' vutka] ) is a distilled drink that mainly consists of water and ethanol, but sometimes with traces of dirt and flavor. Traditionally, vodka is made through distillation of cereals or fermented grains, although some modern brands, such as Ciroc, CooranBong, and Bombora, use fruit or sugar.

Since the 1890s, the standards of Polish, Russian, Belarusian, Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Icelandic, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Slovak, Swedish and Ukrainian vodka are 40% ABV or alcohol by volume (80 US proofs), widely misinterpreted to Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev. Meanwhile, the EU has set a minimum of 37.5% ABV for each "European vodka" to be named as such. Products sold as "vodka" in the United States must have a minimum alcohol content of 40%. Even with these loose restrictions, most of the vodka sold contain 40% ABV.

Vodka is traditionally drunk "neat" (not mixed with water, ice, or other mixers), although cold cold ice is often served in vodka belt countries from Belarus, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Latvia, Norway, Poland and Russia. It is also used in cocktails and mixed drinks, such as Vodka martini, Cosmopolitan, Vodka Tonic, Screwdriver, Greyhound, Black or White Russia, Moscow Mule, and Bloody Mary.

Video Vodka


The name vodka is a small form of the word Slavik voda (water), defined as slightly water : root ??? - ( vod - ) [water] -? - ( -k - ) (small endings, among other functions) -a (end of feminine gender).

The word vodka was recorded for the first time in 1405 at Grodzkie Deed , court documents from the Palatinate of Sandomierz in Poland. At that time, wÃÆ'³dka refers to drugs and cosmetic products, while the drink is called gorza? Ka (from Old Polish gorze? meaning "to burn"), which is also the source of the Ukrainian language horilka ( ??????? ). The word vodka written in Cyrillic first appeared in 1533, in connection with the drug drink brought from Poland to Russia by the Kievan Rus' traders.

Although the word vodka can be found in the earliest manuscripts and in the podogram lubok , it began to appear in Russian dictionaries only in the mid-19th century. It was proved in the Russian-German-Hungarian glossary SÃÆ'¡muel Gyarmathi in 1799, where it was polished with Latin vinum adustum ("burned [distilled] wine").

In English literature, vodka said proved at the end of the 18th century. In a travel book published in English in 1780 (perhaps German translation), Johann Gottlieb Georgi correctly described that "Kabak in Russian means a public house for ordinary people to drink vodka (sort of brandy). "William Tooke in 1799 polished vodka as" improved corn spirits ". In France, ThÃÆ'Â © ophile Gautier in 1800 called it a "grain liquor" served with food in Poland (eau-de-vie de grain).

Another possible connection of vodka to "water" is the name of the medieval alcoholic beverage aqua vitae (Latin, literally, "living water"), which is reflected in Polish < i> okowita , Ukrainian ??????? , Belarusian ??????? , and Scandinavian akvavit . (Note that whiskey has the same etymology, from Irish/Scottish Gaelic uisce beatha /uisge-beatha.)

People in the area of ​​origin of vodka who may have a name for vodka with roots meaning "to burn": Poles: gorza? A ; Ukrainian language: ??????? , translit.Ã, horÃÆ'lka ; Belarusian: ??????? , translit.Ã, harelka ; Lithuania: degtin? ; Samogitian: degt? N? is also used, everyday language and in proverbs); Latvia: degv? Ns ; Finland: paloviina . In Russia during the 17th and 18th centuries, ??????? ???? or ??????? ???? ( goryashchee vino , "burnt wine" or "hot wine") is widely used. Other languages ​​include German Branntwein , Danish brÃÆ'Â|ndevin , Dutch: brandewijn , Sweden: brÃÆ'¤nnvin , and Norsk: brennevin ( although the last term refers to strong alcoholic beverages).

Maps Vodka


Scholars debate early vodka. This is a controversial issue because very little historical material is available. For centuries, drinks differed significantly compared to today's vodka, because the spirits of that time had different flavors, colors and smells, and were initially used as medicine. It contains little alcohol, about a maximum of about 14%. Still, it allows for distillation ("grape burning"), increased purity, and increased alcohol content, discovered in the 8th century.


In Polish, vodka (Polish: wÃÆ'³dka or gorza? Ka ) has been produced since the early Middle Ages with diverse local traditions such as the production of cognac in France, or Scottish whiskey.

The mention of the first drink in the world and from the word "vodka" was in 1405 of the Grodzkie Deed of record deed, in court documents from the Palatinate of Sandomierz in Poland and later became a popular drink there. At that time, the word wÃÆ'³dka refers to chemical compounds such as pharmaceuticals and cosmetic cleansers, while the popular beverage now known as vodka is called gorza? Ka (from Old Polish verb gorze? meaning "to burn"), which is also the source of the Ukrainian language horilka (???????). The word written in Cyrillic first appeared in 1533, in relation to the medicinal drinks brought from Poland to Russia by Kievan Rus' traders.

In these early days, spirits were mostly used as medicine. Stefan Falimierz asserts in his 1534 herbal works that vodka can serve "to increase fertility and arouse lust". WÃÆ'³dka lub gorza? a (1614), by Jerzy Pota? skiing, contains valuable information about the production of vodka. Jakub Kazimierz Haur, in his book Sk? Ad albo skarbiec znakomitych sekretÃÆ'³w economyi ziemia? Skiej ( A Treasury of Excellent Secrets on Landed Gentry's Economy , KrakÃÆ'³w, 1693), provides the recipe details for making vodka from rye.

Some Polish vodka reconcile for centuries. Most famous is ? UbrÃÆ'³wka , from about the 16th century; Goldwasser , from the beginning of the 17th century; and the age of Starka vodka, from the 16th century. In the mid-17th century, szlachta (polish aristocrats) were given a monopoly to produce and sell vodka in their territory. This privilege is a great source of profit. One of the most famous aristocracy distillations was founded by Princess Lubomirska and later operated by her grandson, Prince Alfred Wojciech Potocki. The Vodka Industrial Museum, located in the Potocki state land garden has original documents proving that distillery existed in 1784. Today it operates as "Polmos? A? Cut".

Production of Vodka on a much larger scale began in Poland at the end of the 16th century, originally at Kraków, from which spirits were exported to Silesia before 1550. The Silesian cities also bought vodka from Pozna ?, a city that in 1580 It has 498 working spirits distilleries. But soon, Gda? Sk goes beyond these two cities. In the 17th and 18th centuries, Polish vodka was known in the Netherlands, Denmark, England, Russia, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria and the Black Sea basin.

Early production methods are still not perfect. The drink is usually low-proof, and the distillation process must be repeated several times (three-stage distillation process is common). The first distillate is called brantÃÆ'³wka , the second is szumÃÆ'³wka , and the third is okowita (from aqua vitae ), which generally contain 70-80% ABV. Then the drink is squeezed, producing a simple vodka (30-35% ABV), or stronger if watering is done using alembic. The exact production method described in 1768 by Jan Pawe? Biretowski and in 1774 by Jan Chryzostom Pasek. The late 18th century inaugurated the production of vodka from a variety of unusual substances including even carrots.

Although there is clearly a large vodka home industry in Poland in the 16th century, the late 18th century marked the beginning of the production of vodka in Poland (Kresy, the eastern part of Poland ruled by the Russian empire at that time. Vodka produced by nobility and clergy became mass products. The first refinery industry opened in 1782 in LwÃÆ'³w by J. A. Baczewski. He was soon followed by Jakub Haberfeld, who in 1804 set up a factory in O? Wi? Cim, and by Hartwig Kantorowicz, who began producing Wyborowa in 1823 in Pozna ?. Implementation of new technology in the second half of the 19th century, which enabled the production of vodka clear, contributed to their success. The first distillery distillery was established in 1871. In 1925, the production of vodka was clearly made as a monopoly of the Polish government.

After World War II, all the vodka distilleries were taken over by the Polish Marxist-Leninist government. During the martial law of the 1980s, sales of vodka were rationed. Following the success of the Solidarity movement and the abolition of single party power in Poland, many distillations began to struggle financially. Some filed for bankruptcy, but many were privatized, leading to the creation of new brands.


A kind of distilled liquor designated by the Russian word vodka came to Russia at the end of the 14th century. In 1386, the Genoese ambassadors brought the first aqua vitae ("living water") to Moscow and handed it to Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy. Liquids obtained by wine distillation should be considered as a concentrate and wine "spirit" ( spiritus vini in Latin), from which the name of this substance appears in many European languages ​​(such as English spirit, or Russian < span lang = "ru" title = "Russian subtitle"> ????? , spirt ).

According to legend, circa 1430, a monk named Isidore of the Chudov Monastery inside the Moscow Kremlin made the first Russian vodka recipe. Having specialized knowledge and distillation devices, he became the creator of a new type of high-quality alcoholic beverage. This "grape bread", as it was originally known, for a long time was produced exclusively at the Grand Duchy of Moscow and no other kingdom of Rus' (this situation persisted until the industrial production era). So, this drink is closely related to Moscow.

Until the mid-18th century, the drink remained relatively low in alcohol content, not exceeding 40% ABV. Several terms for beverages are recorded, sometimes reflecting different levels of quality, alcohol concentration, filtration, and amount of distillation; most often, it is referred to as "wine burning", "grape bread", or even in some locations just "wine". In some locations, grape vines may be so expensive that only drinks for nobles. Grape burning is usually diluted with water up to 24% ABV or less before drinking. It's mostly sold in taverns and quite expensive. At the same time, the word vodka has been used, but described the herbal tincture (similar to absinthe), containing up to 75% ABV, and made for medicinal purposes.

The first written usage of the word vodka in the official Russian document in its modern sense is dated by Queen Elizabeth's decision of June 8, 1751, which governs the ownership of vodka distilleries. In the 1860s, as government policy promoted the consumption of state-made vodka, it became the beverage of choice for many Russians. In 1863, the government monopoly on the production of vodka was lifted, causing prices to decline and making vodka available even to low-income citizens. Tax on vodka becomes a key element of government finance in the Russian Tsar, which gives up to 40% of the state income. In 1911, vodka comprised 89% of all alcohol consumed in Russia. This level fluctuated somewhat during the 20th century, but remained fairly high all the time. Recent estimates place it at 70% (2001). Today, several manufacturers or brands of Russian vodka are popular (among others) Stolichnaya and Russian Standards.

During the late 1970s, Russian culinary writer William Pokhlebkin composed the history of vodka production in Russia, as part of the Soviet case in trade disputes; this was later published as A History of Vodka . Pokhlebkin claims that while there are many publications on the history of vodka consumption and distribution, there is not really anything written about the production of vodka. One statement is that the word "vodka" was used in a popular speech in Russia much earlier than the middle of the 18th century, but it did not appear in print until the 1860s. Pokhlebkin's source was challenged by David Christian in the Slavic Review in 1994. Christian criticized the lack of valid references in Pokhlebkin's work which stated that his work has a clear pro-Russian bias. Pokhlebkin is also known for his Pan-Slavic sympathizers under Russian leadership, and the sentiments that David Christian discourages most of his work, especially his History of Vodka.


Until the 1950s, vodka was not used as a designation for Swedish flute refiners, referred to as "brÃÆ'¤nnvin (" burn-wine "), a word that has the same etymology as the Dutch > Brandewijn , which is the basis for the word brandy. This drink has been produced in Sweden since the end of the 15th century, although total production is still small in the 17th century. From the early 18th century, production expanded, although production was banned several times, during grain shortages. Although originally a grain product, potatoes began to be used in production in the late 18th century, and became dominant since the early 19th century. From the early 1870s, refining equipment was upgraded.

Progressively from the 1960s, Swedish people who did not like the English brÃÆ'¤nnvin were also called vodka. The first Swedish product to use this term was Explorer Vodka, which was created in 1958 and originally intended for the American export market. In 1979, Absolut Vodka was launched, reusing the old name of Absolut Rent BrÃÆ'¤nnvin ("really pure
") made in 1879.

Vodka has become a popular source of uncertainty among young people, with the rapidly growing black market. In 2013, "vodka" car organizers were jailed for two and a half years for illegally providing thousands of liters for young people, some of them thirteen years old.

Ao Vodka - Caskers
src: media2.caskers.com


Vodka can be distilled from plant material containing starch or sugar; Today's most vodka is produced from grains such as sorghum, corn, rye or wheat. Among the wheat vodka, wheat and wheat vodka generally considered superior. Some vodka is made from potatoes, molasses, soybeans, grapes, rice, sugar beets and sometimes even byproducts from oil refining or wood pulp processing. In some Central European countries, such as Poland, some vodka are produced only by fermenting the sugar solution of crystals and yeast. In the EU there is talk of the standardization of vodka, and the Vodka Belt states insist that only spirits produced from seeds, potatoes, and sugar beet drops are allowed to be branded as "vodka", following traditional production methods.

In the United States, many vodkas are made of 95% pure wheat alcohol produced in large quantities by agricultural industry giants Archer Daniels Midland, Grain Processing Corporation, and Midwest Grain Products (MGP). Bottlers buy the spirits of the base in large quantities, then filter, dilute, distribute and market the final product under various vodka brand names. Similar methods are used in other regions such as Europe.

These pure grain alcohols, also known as improved spirits, neutral spirits, or agricultural ethyl alcohol are also available directly to consumers in some area. , like products like Everclear, Polmos , and others. In contrast to the very high ABV vodka such as Bulgaria Balkan 176Ã, Â ° with 88% ABV, these grain alcohol products are not considered vodka; they have not (yet) passed the filtering and purification process used to produce vodka.

A study conducted on NPR's Planet Money podcast revealed the negligible flavor in the taste between different vodka brands, leading to speculation about how much branding contributed to the concept of "super premium vodka".

Filter and filter

The common property of vodka produced in the United States and Europe is the extensive use of filtering before additional processing including the addition of flavorants. Filtering is sometimes done during distillation, and after that, where the distilled vodka is filtered through activated charcoal and other media to absorb small amounts of substances that alter or give off-off flavor to vodka. However, this is not the case in traditional vodka producing countries, so many refiners from these countries prefer to use very accurate distillation but minimal screening, thus preserving the unique flavors and characteristics of their products.

The main distiller is in charge of distilling vodka and directing its filtering, which includes the removal of "foreheads", "heads" and "tails". The components of the distillate contain taste compounds such as ethyl acetate and ethyl lactate (head) and fusel oil (tail) that affects the normally desired vodka flavor. Through various distillation rounds, or the use of fractionation still, it feels modified and clarity increases. In contrast, the process of distillation for liquor such as whiskey, rum, and baijiu allows the "head" and "tail" parts to remain, giving them a unique flavor.

Repeated vodka distillation will make the ethanol level much higher than most end users can accept, whether the law determines the limits of strength. Depending on the method of distillation and the stillmaster technique, the filtered vodka and the final flute may have as much as 95-96% ethanol. Thus, most vodka is diluted with water before bottling.


While most vodka is not flavored, many flavored vodkas have been produced in traditional vodka-drinking areas, often as homemade recipes to enhance the taste of vodka or for medicinal purposes. Flavorings include red chili, ginger, fruit flavor, vanilla, chocolate (unsweetened), and cinnamon. In Russia, vodka flavored with honey and pepper, pertsovka in Russian, is also very popular. In Poland and Belarus, local bullfruit leaves are added to produce ? UbrÃÆ'³wka (Polish) and vodka zubrovka (Belarusian), with a slightly sweet taste and a light yellow color. In Lithuania and Poland, the famous vodka containing honey is called krupnik .

This flavoring tradition is also prevalent in the Nordic countries, where vodka is seasoned with herbs, fruits and spices is the right strong drink for some seasonal celebrations. Sweden has forty general varieties of herbaceous vodka ( kryddat brÃÆ'¤nnvin ). In Poland and Ukraine, a separate category ( nalyvka in Ukraine and nalewka in Poland) is used for vodka-based spirits with fruit extracts, roots, flowers, or herbs, often self-made or produced by a small commercial distillery. Their alcohol content varies between 15 and 75%. In Estonia, vodka is available with a taste of barberry, blackcurrant, cherry, green apple, lemon, vanilla, and watermelon.

Recently, people have experimented with producing more unusual vodka flavors, such as the hot chili flavored vodka and even vodka bacon. It is important to note though in many cases, flavoring vodka comes from a post-distillation infusion of flavors. Through the fermentation process, the grains of wheat are converted into non-flavored neutral alcohols except the iconic ethyl alcohol taste. The vodka flavoring process makes it taste like fruits, chocolate, and other foods occur after fermentation and distillation. Various chemicals that reproduce the food flavor profile are added to the vodka to give it a certain flavor.


According to The Penguin Book of Spirits and Liqueurs , "The low level of fusel oil and its congeners - the impurities that embellish the spirits but can contribute to the effects after heavy consumption - cause its existence is thought to be among the spirits' safer ', though not in terms of the power of intoxication, which, depending on strength, may be considerable. "

Since 2000, due to growing consumer tastes and regulatory changes, a number of 'artisanal vodka' or even 'ultrapremium vodka' brands have emerged.

EU Regulations

The recent success of wine-based vodka in the United States encourages traditional vodka producers in Vodka Belt countries in Poland, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania and Sweden to campaign for EU laws that will only categorize spirits made of grains or potatoes as "vodka". "This proposition provokes harsh criticism from Southern European countries, who often distill using the mash of wine-making into spirits, although higher quality mash is usually distilled into several variations of brandy pomace, lower quality mash is better changed into a neutral-scented spirit instead.Your vodka made from grains or potatoes does not have to display the products used in its production.This rule came into effect in 2008.

Canadian Regulations

Vodka should be an uncontaminated alcoholic beverage created by a grain spirit treatment or a potato spirit accompanied by charcoal, producing a product with no character, aroma, or distinctive flavor.

United States Regulations

Under the Federal Regulatory Code (27 CFR 5.22) defines the identity standard for various alcohols, Vodka is in the class of neutral spirits and defined as follows: (1) "Vodka" is a distilled neutral spirit, or treated after distillation with charcoal or other materials, without distinctive characters, aromas, flavors, or colors.


In some countries, black market vodka or "tub" is widespread because it can be produced easily and avoids taxation. However, severe poisoning, blindness, or death can occur as a result of a dangerous industrial ethanol replacement added by a black market producer. In March 2007 in a documentary, BBC News UK sought to find the cause of severe jaundice among vodka smokers "tub" in Russia. The cause is suspected as an industrial disinfectant (Extrasept) - 95% ethanol but also contains highly toxic chemicals - added to vodka by illegal traders due to its high alcohol content and low price. A list of the estimated death toll at least 120 people were killed and more than 1,000 poisoned. The death toll is expected to increase due to the chronic nature of cirrhosis that causes jaundice. However, there is also a higher estimate of the annual death rate (tens or even hundreds of thousands of lives) generated by the consumption of vodka in Russia.


Source of the article : Wikipedia
