Akita ( ??? , Akita-inu , Japanese Pronunciation: Ã, [ak? Ita.in?] ) is a breed of dog large area that comes from the northern regions of the Japanese mountains. There are two separate varieties of Akita: Japanese strains, commonly called "Akita Inu" ("inu" meaning "dog" in Japanese), or "Japanese Akita"; and the American strain , known as "Akita" or "American Akita". The Japanese tension called Akita Inu comes in a narrow color palette, with all other colors considered unorthodox of breeds, while the American strain known only as Akita comes in all dog colors. Akita has a short double coat similar to many other northern spitz breeds such as Siberian Husky, but dogs with long layers can be found in many children due to recessive genes.
Akita is a strong, independent and dominant type, generally away from strangers but affectionate with family members. As offspring, Akitas are generally strong, but they are known to be susceptible to many genetic conditions and can be sensitive to certain drugs.
In all countries (except United States and Canada) the Japanese and American strains of Akita are considered as two separate breeds. In the United States and Canada, however, two strains are considered to be single breeds of different species. For a while, the American Akita strain is known in some countries as the "Great Japanese Dog". The two forms of Akita are probably best known worldwide from the true story of Hachik ?, a loyal Akita who lived in Japan before World War II.
Video Akita (dog)
Nama breed
There is a debate among fans whether there are two separate Akita breeds. For now, only the American Kennel Club, and the Canadian Kennel Club consider American and Japanese Akitas to be two varieties of the same type, allowing free breeding between the two. The United Kennel Club, the Federation of Cynologique Internationale, The Kennel Club, the Australian National Kennel Council, the New Zealand Kennel Club, and the Japan Kennel Club consider Japanese and American Akitas as separate breeds. Some countries refer to Akita America only as "Akita" and not American Akita. The problem is very controversial in Japan. For 84 FCI countries, the breed division formally took place in June 1999, when the FCI decided that the American type would be called the Great Japanese Dog, later renamed Akita America in January 2006.
Maps Akita (dog)
Japanese History
Japanese history, both oral and written, depicts the ancestors of Akita, Matagi dog (Japanese: ????) (hunting dog, hunting dog bear, deer hunter), as one of the oldest original dogs. Today Akita is developed mainly from dogs in the northernmost region of Honsh island? in Akita Prefecture, thus giving the name of the breed. Mining includes the wild boar, Sika deer, and the Asian black bear. The precursor dog tracks the big game, holding it until the hunters arrive to kill. This breed is also influenced by crosses with larger breeds from Asia and Europe, including the English Mastiff, Great Danes, St. Bernards, and Tosa Inu, in a desire to develop a fighting dog for the growing dogfight industry in Odate in the early 20th century. During World War II Akita was also crossed with the German Shepherd in an attempt to save them from wartime government orders for all non-military dogs to be annihilated. The American Akita ancestor was originally a variation of the Japanese Akita, an undesirable form in Japan due to the signs, and which did not qualify for a performance competition.
The story of Hachik ?, the most respected Akita of all time, helped push Akita into the world of international dogs. Hachiko was born in 1923 and is owned by Professor Hidesabur? Ueno Tokyo. Professor Ueno lives near Shibuya Train Station on the outskirts of town and commute to work every day on the train. Hachik? accompanying his master to and from the station every day. On May 25, 1925, when the dog was 18 months old, he waited for his master to arrive at the four o'clock train, but Professor Ueno suffered a fatal brain hemorrhage at work. Hachik? keep waiting for the return of his master. He traveled to and from the station every day for the next nine years. He allowed the professor's relatives to take care of him, but he never gave up keeping in the station for his master. His banquet became famous in the world when, in 1934, shortly before his death, a bronze statue was erected at the Shibuya train station in his honor. The statue was melted for ammunition during the war, but the new one was commissioned after the war. Every year on 8 April since 1936, Hachik's devotion has been honored with a solemn ceremony at the Tokyo Shibuya train station. Finally, Hachik's legendary loyalty became a symbol of national allegiance, especially to the people and institutions of the Emperor.
In 1931, Akita was officially declared a Japanese Natural Monument. Mayor of Odate City in Akita Prefecture organizes Akita Inu Hozonkai to preserve the original Akita as a Japanese treasure through careful cultivation. In 1934, the first Japanese breed standard for Akita Inu was registered, following the declaration of the breed as a natural monument of Japan. In 1967, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Akita Dog Conservation Community, the Akita Dog Museum was built to store information, documents and photographs. There is a tradition in Japan, that when a child is born they receive a statue of an Akita. This statue symbolizes health, happiness, and long life.
In 1937, Helen Keller traveled to Japan. He expressed interest in breeding and was presented with the first two Akitas to enter the US. The first dog, presented to him by Mr. Ogasawara and named Kamikaze-go, died at the age of 7 1/2 months of distemper, one month after he returned to America. The second Akita is arranged to be sent to Miss Keller: Kamikaze's sister, Kenzan-go. Kenzan-go died in the mid-1940s. By 1939, standard breeds had been established and dog shows had been held, but such activities ceased after World War II began. Keller writes in Akita Journal :
Just as his breed stabilized in his native land, World War II pushed Akita to the brink of extinction. At the beginning of the war the dogs lacked nutritious food. Then many are killed to be eaten by the starving people, and their fur is used as clothing. Finally, the government ordered all remaining dogs killed to prevent the spread of the disease. The only way the interested owners can save their beloved Akitas is to get them off in the remote mountain areas, where they are brought up with their ancestral dog, Matagi, or hide them from the authorities by crossing over with the German Shepherd, and naming them in the style of the German Shepherd at the time. Morie Sawataishi and his attempt to breed Akita is the main reason this breed exists today.
During the post-war occupation years, this breed began to grow again through the efforts of Sawataishi and others. For the first time, Akitas was bred for a standard performance. Akita fans in Japan began collecting and exhibiting remaining Akitas and producing children to return breeds to sustainable numbers and to accentuate the original characteristics of breeds muddied by crosses to other breeds. The US soldiers fell in love with Akita and imported many things with them when they returned.
American History
Akita Japanese and American Akita began to deviate in type during the post-World War II era. Helen Keller is credited with bringing Akita to America after being granted two Akitas by the Japanese government in 1938. Standard breeds in 1939 and dog performances began to take place but then World War II began. During this time, US servicemen serving as part of the occupation forces in Japan first connected with Akita, breeding so impressed them that many members of the servic chose to take home Akita back with them after the completion of their tour. American servicemembers are usually more impressed with larger battles such as Akita or German Shepherd than with smaller, fox-like Akita-Inu; the types of dogs they bring back with them to the US reflect this sentiment. Japanese Akita fans focus on restoring this breed as Japanese art or the status of 'Natural Monument'. American Akita fans choose to breed larger, heavier and more intimidating dogs. Although, these two types come from the same ancestor, there is a striking difference between the two. First, while American Akitas are acceptable in all colors, Japanese Akitas are only allowed to be red, yellowish brown, sesame, white, or dappled. In addition, American Akitas may be pinto and/or have a black mask, unlike Japanese Akitas in which it is considered disqualification and not allowed in breeding standards. Americans are generally bony larger and larger, with heads more like bears, while Japanese Akitas tend to be lighter and more subtle with fox-like heads.
Recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1955, it was placed in the Miscellaneous class. It was not until the end of 1972 that AKC approved Akita's standards and was transferred to the Dog working class, thus, Akita is a new breed in the United States. Stock stocks in America continued to be imported from Japan until 1974 when AKC cut registration to further Japanese imports until 1992 when he recognized Japan Kennel Club. The decision by AKC to ban the registration of imported dogs further in 1974, set the stage for differences in the kind between Akita America and Japan's Akita Inu who are present today.
Elsewhere in the world, Akita America was first introduced to Britain in 1937, it is a Canadian import, owned by Mrs. Jenson, but this breed was not widely known until the early 1980s. This breed was introduced in Australia in 1982 with American Import and to New Zealand in 1986 with imports from the UK.
As the breed, Akita's appearance reflects cold weather adaptations essential to their original function. Akita is a substantial type for its height with heavy bones. The physical characteristics of the breed include large traits, such as the head bear with straight, triangular ears arranged at a slight angle following the curvature of the neck. In addition, Akita's eyes are small, dark, deep and triangular in shape. Akitas has a thick double coat, and tight, like a cat-like leg. Their tail is carried at the top of the back with a soft or double curl at the waist.
American adult males are generally 26-28 inches (66-71 cm) in aters and weigh between 100-130 pounds (45-59 kg). Adult females usually measure 24-26 inches (61-66 cm) and weigh between 70-100 pounds (32-45 kg). The Japanese type, as stated in breed standards, is slightly smaller and lighter.
Breed Standard states that all dog hair color is allowed in American Akita, including pinto, all kinds of stripes, solid white, black mask, white mask, colored mask, even different color under coat and overlay (guard hair). This includes Shiba Inu's general coloring pattern known as Urajiro. The Japanese Akitas, according to breed standards, are limited to red, yellowish brown, sesame, dappled, clean white, all with the sign "Urajiro" ie , a white coat on the side of the muzzle, on the cheek, on below the jaw, neck, chest, torso and tail and on the inside of the foot.
Coat type
There are two types of coat on Akita, a standard long coat and long coat. The long coat is considered an error in the ring show, however. The long coat, also known as 'Moku' is the result of an autosomal recessive gene and may only occur phenotypically if both the Sire and the dam are carriers. They have a length (about 3-4 inches) and a softer mantle and are known to have a sweeter temperament. Believed that this gene comes from Karafuto-Ken ??? which is extinct. Unlike their short coat cousins, the lesser coat is much appreciated and thus more affordable.
Nursing needs
American Akitas is a low maintenance breed. Taking care of them should be an easy process. They are a shedder that is quite heavy and can be heavier than normal two to three times per year. Daily brushing can be a good way to reduce this problem. This breed needs to take a shower every few months, although it can be more frequent, depending on the needs of each owner. Nail nails should be trimmed every month, and their ears should be cleaned once a week.
Akita is generally viewed as territorial about its properties, and can be booked with strangers. Sometimes described as a cat in action; it is not unusual for Akita to clean her face after eating, to preserve her partner's kennel, and be careful at home. They are known to be intolerant of other dogs of the same sex, as stated in the AKC breed standard.
Because the dog is big and strong, Akita is not considered a dog breed for dog owners the first time. This breed has been targeted by special breed laws of some countries as a dangerous dog. Akita is a big dog, strong, independent and dominant. Well-trained Akita should accept non-threatening strangers, otherwise they will treat all foreigners aggressively. As a breed they should be good with children; It is said that this breed has an affinity for children. Not all Akitas will have the same temperament. An acita badly injured an Arizona woman who is trying to rehabilitate it.
Akitas tend to take a socially dominant role with other dogs, and thus prudence should be used in situations where Akitas tends to be around other dogs, especially the unknown. In particular, Akitas tend to be less tolerant of dogs of the same gender. For this reason, Akitas, unless highly sociable, is generally unsuitable for dog parks without a rope. Sometimes spontaneous, it takes a confident and consistent handler, without which the dog will be very stubborn and may become very aggressive towards dogs and other animals.
Akita Inu is one of the most dominant dog breeds. Therefore, training should begin at the beginning of 7-8 weeks.
Autoimmune Disease
There are many known autoimmune diseases that sometimes occur in Akita. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome, also known as Uveo-Dermatologic Syndrome is an auto-immune condition that affects the skin and eyes.
- Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, which is an autoimmune blood disorder.
- Sebaceous adenitis is an autoimmune skin disorder that is believed to originate from an autosomal recessive.
- Pemphigus foliaceus is an autoimmune skin disorder, believed to be genetic. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), or lupus, is a systemic autoimmune disease (or autoimmune connective tissue disease) that can affect any part of the body.
Immune-mediated endocrine diseases
In addition to this there are also immune mediated endocrine diseases with inherited factors, such as:
- Hypoadrenocorticism is also known as Addison's disease, it affects the adrenal glands and is essentially the opposite of Cushing's syndrome.
- Diabetes mellitus, also known as type 1 diabetes. It affects the pancreas.
- Hypothyroidism, also known as autoimmune hypothyroidism. It is an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid gland.
Special non-immune conditions
Other non-immune specific conditions known to have occurred in Akita include:
- gastric dilatation also known as bloat; can progressively become stomach gastric (GDV), where the stomach is spinning itself.
- Microphthalmia, meaning "small eye", is a developmental disorder of the eye, believed to be an autosomal recessive genetic condition.
- Primary glaucoma, Increased pressure on the eyes.
- Progressive retina progressive atrophy of retinal degeneration (the part of the eye that senses light and allows vision).
- Hip dysplasia skeletal condition in which the femur head does not fit properly into the hip socket. Produce osteoarthritis and pain.
- Elbow dysplasia a skeletal condition in which the components of the elbow joint (humerus, radius, and ulna) do not line up properly, causing osteoarthritis and pain.
- Von Willebrands disease, a genetic bleeding disorder caused by a deficiency of Von Willebrand factor.
- Cushing's syndrome is also known as hyperadrenocorticism, it affects the adrenal glands and is caused by long-term exposure to high glucocorticosteroid levels, whether produced by the body or administered as a drug.
Breed specific conditions
There are two specific breed conditions mentioned in the veterinary literature:
- Immune sensitivity to vaccines, drugs, insecticides, anesthesia and tranquilizers
- Pseudohyperkalemia, an increase in the amount of potassium that occurs due to excessive leakage of red blood cells (red blood cells) when blood is taken. This may give a wrong indication of hyperkalemia in laboratory tests, then the pseudo prefix, meaning wrong. This is because many Eastern Asian races, including Akitas and Shiba Inus, have higher levels of potassium in their red blood cells than other dogs.
Work life
Its modern Akita predecessors were used to hunt bears, wild pigs and deer in Japan at the end of 1957. They will be used to clean the bears and keep them until the hunter can come and kill him. Today, this breed is mainly used as a companion dog. However, the current breed is also known to be used as a therapeutic dog, and competes in all dog competitions including: demonstrating conformation, compliance testing, good citizen programs, trials tracking and agility competitions, as well as weight gain, hunting and schutzhund (< i> ie , personal protective dogs).
See also
- Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin
- Hachi: A Dog's Tale
- Hokkaido (dog)
- Kai Ken
- Kishu
- Lovely Muco
- Nihon Ken Hozonkai
- Shikoku (dog)
Further reading
- Skabelund, Aaron Herald (2011). The Kingdom of Dogs: Dogs, Japan, and Making the World of the Modern Empire (A Study on the Weatherhead East Asian Institute .) Ithaca, NY: Columbia University ISBNÃ, 978-0-8014-5025-9. Ã, ISBNÃ, 080145025X
External links
- Akita World . Akita Bimonthly Magazine.
- Akita (dog) in Curlie (based on DMOZ)
Source of the article : Wikipedia